Friday, June 30, 2006

What I'm Reading

Since I don't have anything job or education-related to tell you, I thought I'd write a post about what I'm reading.

I finished Heart of Darkness about three weeks ago - I'm still waiting to hear from people who want to talk about it; I've got some leading questions that I can ask to get a conversation started, if that's what's needed. Let me know.

While I was on vacation in Florida (a much needed respite from deadlines, due dates, and appointments, thank you very much!), I read The Dante Club, which was fantastic. As an English teacher-type, I get a kick out of fiction that utilizes literary figures as it main characters - in this work, Holmes, Longfellow, Fields and others pieced together a murder mystery in 1860s Boston. As someone familiar with the city and its history, I also got a charge out of the familiar setting.

I am now working on Outlander, a book recommended to me by a very dear friend of mine. She enjoyed the novel very much and insisted that I read it as soon as possible. I'm very glad I am - it's a well constructed story with complex characters and an intricate story line. I also really like that the story takes place in the Highlands of Scotland, which is where the bulk of my ancestors come from, so I'm feeling an affinity for this book because of its sense of place. I'm less than halfway through the story, but I can already recommend it.

What are you reading during YOUR summer vacation?


Blogger Kizz said...

I'm ready for the leading questions. Please see my previous comments from when you were on vacation as proof.

July 01, 2006 9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm re-reading everything, because I can't go to the bookstore. Wah. I took a few new books on vacation with me and read them all, but they were chick lit and I don't think that's what you're talking about.

July 01, 2006 12:21 PM  
Blogger Kizz said...

I'm reading Leaving the Saints by Martha Beck about her departure from the Mormon church. Even if half of what she says is true (and at least that much is, I believe, provable) they're a freaking scary cult.

July 02, 2006 2:00 PM  
Blogger sc@vp said...

frankly, i'm just hoping not to have every Dora book in existence memorized by the end of the summer. Reading a book with a theme (other than 'sharing is good' or 'don't steal') would be nice but I think that'll have to wait until the kiddos go to school.

July 03, 2006 9:56 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Chili said...

I hear you about the Dora books. For us, it was Sandra Boynton books, though, so it was a much nicer experience. My seven year old is a reading prodigy, so we've moved on to Harry Potter and the like. It's very exciting to see the girls engage in complex story lines that take more than one sitting to get through.

I'm loving Outlander far more than I expected to when I started it. I have a boatload of books to recommend, too, if you need to venture beyond the "young readers" section of the bookstore. I was brought to an AMAZING used book store with a dear, dear friend and now that's where I go to get my fix.

July 03, 2006 11:10 AM  

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