Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Learning Unit Objectives

I just finished my first ever Learning Unit Objective (LUO).

The requirement for instructors in this school isn't to have on hand an entire unit's worth of lesson plans, but rather to have completed an LUO prior to beginning a new unit. The LUO is, essentially, an overview of the unit you're planning to teach and includes:
~a rundown of essential questions
~a description of what some of the activities in the unit will include
~"learning objectives" - what the kids should come out the other end knowing
~"instructional strategies" - how the teacher is going to present the material
~"assessment strategies" - how the student will demonstrate mastery
~which curriculum standards are addressed in the unit.

I have to say that I much prefer this method to writing out plans for individual classes. While I understand that these can be useful for substitutes, I find that having to map out each class really leaves me feeling limited in what I'm able to do. I'm more of a big-picture gal. I'm not very good at micro-managing.

Just for kicks, I'm including the LUO for you to look at and critique. I'd LOVE feedback - make suggestions for materials, give me ideas for projects or assessments, give me all you've got. While I feel I've got a pretty good handle on what I want the kids to know, I'm more than happy to take suggestions to make the experience better for all concerned!

Ready? Here it is:

Freshman English 200
“Shakespeare, Drama, and the Monologue”
February 9 - 17th (should I allow more time? This isn't set in stone, but I'd like to have a reasonable guess for how long something like this will take..)

Essential Questions:

-Who was Shakespeare and why is he important enough to study today?
-What is a monologue?
-Where are monologues commonly found?
-What literary / dramatic purposes do monologues serve?
-How did Shakespeare employ monologue in his works?


Students will be (re)introduced to the works of William Shakespeare through a series of monologues and speeches, excerpted from both comedies and tragedies, which they will engage with close reading, analysis, and performance. Students will watch several scenes from various performances of Shakespeare’s works and later read the corresponding scenes with an eye toward analysis and comprehension. Students will produce several monologues generated from various sources (outside reading, personal experience, etc.), both as a means of character analysis and personal expression / problem solving.

Learning Objectives:

Students will:

-read at least five different Shakespearean monologues
-understand and explain the uses of monologues within the context of dramatic performance
-recognize figurative language and dramatic conventions (foreshadowing, allusion, double entendre, innuendo, etc.)
-recognize, define and explain vocabulary used to discuss drama
-analyze text for character motivation and emotion
-attempt to create dramatic monologues based on outside reading and personal experience
-practice and perform a monologue in class
-write, revise, and edit at least two monologues for assessment purposes

Instructional Strategies:

-read aloud and discuss models
-class discussion
-small group analysis of reading and film clips
-cooperative learning groups
-writing workshop exercises and practice
-mini lessons


-monologues / handouts
-DV player, clips from various Shakespearian films

Assessment Strategies:

-class participation and contributions
-written monologues, including revisions and workshop production
-analysis of readings and film clips
-short response / journal writing
-essay test

Curriculum Standards Addressed:
(I have to look these up, though I'm sure there are a bunch that are covered in a unit such as this one - reading, writing, speaking and listening, analytical skills, critical thinking.....)

Comments? Suggestions? Critique? In the immortal words of Will Smith: "Bring it!"


Blogger Kizz said...

Seems like a lot to do in a week. I don't understand where the writing of a monologue from the assessment part tracks back. When are they writing a monologue? Looks good, sounds like fun since I'm not a HS student. :)

February 08, 2006 7:59 PM  

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